Do you ever wonder what you ought to know about cholesterol? You see the commercials, read the headlines, and get schooled by your doctor. Perhaps your parents discuss their levels, or your buddies are buckling down on their diets. But do you know the basics about cholesterol? Heck, do you even know what it is?
While you may not have to become an expert on the matter, being better educated is important for your health. vybe urgent care is here to give you the tips you need to keep your cholesterol in check, and the rest of your health too. Now, let’s dig in (no pun intended).
It’s best to start with the basics. According to Medline Plus, “cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all the cells in your body.” It’s needed in the body to produce hormones and Vitamin D, and also aids in the digestive process. A healthy body produces the proper amount on its own, but we also get cholesterol from some of the foods we consume.
When we hear about cholesterol, “bad” tends to come to mind. But as the above section explains, some cholesterol is required for our bodies to function. That said, there are different kinds of cholesterol — one type we want around and another that’s potentially harmful. We’ll break it down this way:
Fatty meats and fried foods are no-brainers when it comes to foods that can raise your cholesterol levels. But there are other not-so-obvious foods that are also chock-full of saturated and/or trans fats (which can raise cholesterol). If you are watching what you eat, you may want to limit your consumption of the foods listed below, or perhaps avoid them altogether.
According to Medical News Today, some common cholesterol bombs to beware of include lamb, shortening, dairy products made from whole milk, coconut oil, pre-packaged pastries, frosting (the kind in a tub), and poultry with the skin on. Even coffee creamer can be a culprit! Yikes.
Fast food may be convenient, but the abundance of saturated and trans fats can contribute to increased cholesterol levels, making the drive-thru a health disaster. There are plenty of other sources of cholesterol out there as well, so always read the labels or go online for answers. This cholesterol chart can be helpful for quick reference.
Eggs and their effect on cholesterol are constantly up for debate. Are they healthful or harmful? Depending upon who you ask or which study you stick to, their impact on your cholesterol levels is a topic that seems to shift as science evolves.
The latest information from the Heart Foundation states that eggs are safe to consume — even up to seven per week. Eggs do contain cholesterol, but “the cholesterol in eggs has almost no effect on your blood cholesterol levels.” Phew!
More important than fretting about eggs, take note of the levels of saturated and trans fats in ALL of your food. Nutrition labels list this information, so be proactive before packing your grocery bags. That said, unless new research proves otherwise, you’re alright to keep eggs on your grocery list but try to eat them in moderation.
Remember to cook them as plain and simple as you can — the simpler they are, the healthier they end up being. Poached eggs are tasty and good for you, and the same goes for hard-boiled eggs! Try to refrain from adding heaps of cheese, salt, or oils.
There are steps you can take to help lower your cholesterol on your own — but you should always take your doctor’s advice, of course. Making simple lifestyle changes that can make a difference! Here are a few of our tips:
There’s a lot to know about cholesterol and how it affects your body. If you have any questions, you can talk about cholesterol with a vybe urgent care clinician. Find the location nearest you to be proactive about your health.